Monday 12 May 2014




Student Name: Gillian Nsianguana                               Pathway: 3DD


Final Major Project Title: Sickle Cell Awareness

For my final outcome I designed a structure that promotes sickle cell awareness. Throughout my final, major project I researched what sickle cell anemia is to get a clearer idea of it. I looked at sickle cell red blood cells and sickle cell haemoglobin molecules. Using all of my research I was able to come up with a design whereby I combined all of the research that I had collected. I then looked at imagery of the blood flow within a sickle cell patient. This really interested me to find out that Sickle cells are stiff and sticky. They tend to block blood flow in the blood vessels of the limbs and organs. This really interested me as I wanted to visually convey this movement. Looking at the works of Carston Holler helped support my idea. Through my structure I wanted to create an experience for the people in the same way Carston holler did with the slide in the TATE Modern Art Gallery.

Through this project I have been exploring sickle cell. I have been using imagery of cells and have recorded it throughout my sketchbook how I have developed it and experimented with different machines like the laser cutter. The final major project plan has helped me stay on track with everything. My blog has made it easier for me to look back at what I have done as it is much clearer than my sketchbook.

I was able to visit art galleries and exhibitions during my spare time. I was able to carry out a sickle cell survey, and the facts and figures were very interesting. More people were un aware as to what sickle cell actually was and the people that did know only knew because a member of their family has it.

Throughout my final major project, it involved a lot of development. From the beginning when concentrating on research and finding imagery that related to sickle cell anemia, I was forced to develop the imagery to make it into my own design. I looked at many different ways that I could develop a sickle cell haemoglobin molecule. I also looked at ways that could develop sickle cell red blood cells. I looked at different ways that I could combine them together. I achieved this by using the laser cutter to cut out different shapes, in different sizes and materials. I looked at ways that I could interlock them together so create a structure and all is recorded on my sketchbook.

Group reviews and one-to-one tutorials really helped within the progression of my final design. As my structure is for the public, it was good to get advice as to what people are attracted to. This made it easier for me to design a successful design. There are a few things that I would change about my approach to my final major project. The main thing I would change is time management. During the final two weeks of completing my project. Throughout the final major project, everything didn’t go to plan which made me worry about my final design. I found it difficult to work with hardly any imagery to convey sickle cell anaemia. This meant that I was restricted. However I was able to play around with the imagery that I did have to develop it into a final design idea. I feel like this made my project a little more challenging however it allowed me to think outside the box. Overall I feel that my outcome was very successful however there was still room for improvement. If given extra time I could have experimented a few different ways to construct the final design.


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