Sunday 3 November 2013

3D Design - Week 1


Project Description:
Most objects, buildings and spaces are usually made up from components, these are joined together in a multitude of ways, from the obvious use of stitching on the clothes that we wear, the cement that holds our houses together, the screws that hold our bookshelves on the wall to the hidden way our television screen is held into its casing, our muscles to our bones and the magnets on our fridges. Fixings and fixtures can be used in a variety of ways: functional, aesthetic, decorative, the positioning of the screws on a piece of furniture can be both a structural and visual consideration. The colour of an adhesive can be an important feature of an object. Multiple and repeated use of fixings can become a strong decorative feature. They may be enlarged, over used, distorted, repeated en masse to become the prominent material from which the object is made.
The first week of 3D was interesting and quite challenging. We were given materials and asked to make anything! Then photograph it and place people around them. I really enjoyed this task as it allowed me to be creative and think outside the box. I was able to create anything from anything. I found it challenging because we were quite limited on the materials nut I think this made it all the more fun!
I was able to make unusual and unique shapes and designs with the material. I was able to create things out of almost nothing. something I thought I was never able to do. I was taking risks! and just simply being creative.
I'm so used to making my work look pretty and perfect and this task was completely out of my comfort zone.

Then we were asked to give each structure a function! This was interesting because most of my designs didn't look like anything. Instead of creating something that probably everyone has done this task enabled us to used our imagination. And it actually worked! I did anything and everything with the material I was given. It was all about experimentation.

I thought that this design could be used as either a house, art gallery or a museum. I really liked this structure. This was a possible design that I could develop further into a building. I like the shape and the whole design of it. Its unique and quite abstract.

This could be literally anything if you put your mind to it! looking at it just looks like a famous landmark like the Eiffel tower or something. Include some designs and Voila! Or it could be a weird and crazy roller coast at Thorpe Park or Chessington. Or it could be an Art Gallery or a Decorative structure outside of an Art Gallery. It could be anything you want it to be if you just put your mind to it.

This structure looks like a walkway with a glass roof that can be placed in a park or near and existing building. Or this could be a cool decorative structure anywhere in the world!

This structure looks like a bus shelter. A really unusual bus shelter! But I love it, it looks eye-catching. This is honestly one of my favourite designs. Its simple but great. I love the whole look of it. the ruffles of the brown paper makes it look even more interesting and attractive!
I wonder what material would be able to bend like that?
I would like to consider the material in case I would like to create these designs in the real world.

Here I tried turning the structure different positions .. Perhaps this could be a building of some sort ..?? I don't know. What do you think?

Its different huh? But again can be anything you want it be. Add windows and a door, you've got a funky house!

This could be a structure placed in a park or somewhere outside like an Art Gallery or a Museum. Just for people to look at, like a piece of art.

This could be a building, perhaps an Art Gallery or library or a book shelf! Be imaginative and make it whatever you want it to be.

Final Design


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