Tuesday 28 January 2014

Final Design

For my final design I decided to incorporate everything that makes this a modernism structure. Mainly focusing on the works of Le Corbusier I was able to come up with this unique design. I feel that my final design was very successful as it clearly conveys modernism.
I looked closely at the simplicity, geometric but beautiful designs of Le Corbusier and used them in my designs. overall this was the most unique design and most eye-catching so I decided to develop it further.
Here is a model of my final design using cereal boxes. It is clear to see what material I will be using. as you can see there is a lot of glass. Glass was very common on modernist designs.

I was able to design my Modern house using SolidWorks. I feel that this design was really successful as it met all the requirements of the Modernism era.
I enjoyed using SolidWorks, although it was a little tricky at first, I was able to successfully design my house. I was also able to play around with including different materials in order to give the real look as to how it would look in the real world.


I decided to take the approach on Modernism. So I began to look at various architects whom convey this.

Modernism took on a new life after World War II, particularly in the United States, where modern movements aesthetics, sleek, machine-like simple combined with such technologies as the steel frame and glass curtain walls to produce cost-effective skyscrapers and shopping centres.

I looked at architects like Le Corbusier, Erno Goldfinger, Mies Van der Rohe, Walter Gropius and Richard Neutra.

Design Ideas
I was able to use all my research as starting points to help me design my own designs. I looked at many ways in which I would make my design look original and unique. I like the idea of using geometric designs so I attempted to do so throughout my designs.

I looked at ways in which I could design my house in a similar style. Although most of my designs looked similar to every other design. I was mostly interested on my house sustainable and unique. I liked design idea number 3 and wanted to develop it further.

Design Eras

Project Description:

The project requires you to start by researching one of the following styles of Art and Design:
Conceptual Design, look at the following people as a starting point: Duchamp, Droog, Jurgen Bey, Richard Hutten, Thomas Heatherwick, Foreign Office Architects, OMA. Minimal Design, look at the following people as a starting point, Donald Judd, Shiro Kuramata, John Pawson, Tadao Ando. Abstract Design, look at the following people as a starting point, Ron Arad, Frank Gehry, Zaha Hadid, Will Alsop. Modernism Design, look at the following people as a starting point Le Corbusier, Erno Goldfinger, Mies Van der Rohe, De La Warr Pavilion. Digital Design, look at the following people as a starting point: Johnathan Ive, Neil Spiller, Denis Dollens, Virtual environments.

It is essential that you not only analyse visual examples but read about the subject(s) to inform your practice. Evaluate information through written, informed, personal opinion.


Modernism is more a way of thinking that a style. Modernist believed that the design of an object should be based purely on its purpose. Modernists had a utopian desire to create a better world. They believed the technology as key means to improvement.


Abstract art uses visual language of form, colour and line to create a composition which may exist with a degree of independence from visual references in the world.

Digital Abstract

The interest in 3D digital art has been powered by the video game and entertainment industries with its use of highly developed graphic scenes with illusions of depth and space. 
3D abstract art uses sophisticated software to create three dimensional worlds which are then rendered into two dimensions often with a high degree of "realism" in terms of surfaces and space. Much fantasy and sci-fi art uses 3d technology to achieve other-worldly effects.

Conceptual Design

Conceptual design is the very first phase of design, in which drawings or solid models are dominant tools and products. The main idea behind conceptual design is to maximise the probability of a final product.

Minimalist Design

Minimalism describes movements in various forms of art and design, especially visual art and music, where the work is stripped down to its most fundamental features. The term minimalism is used to describe a trend in design and architecture where in the subject is reduced to its necessary elements.