Tuesday 4 March 2014

Project sheets

Project 1
On the first sheet I presented my initial design ideas. From these designs I was able to choose which one I would like to develop into a real building. I liked number two the most so I duplicated the image and enlarged in to show the readers that I would like to develop this particular design further. I also included another image of the structure from a different angle point.
At the bottom of the page I put some research there. As you can see I looked into the Guggenheim Art Gallery in New York and the Turner Contemporary Gallery in Margate.

On the second sheet I put the materials I am going to use to create the structure, a detailed floor plan of the Art Gallery and a drawing of the Gallery in context.
Project 2
On the first page I put an image of the product I was given. Then around the page I put images of how I developed this product into a structure. I then included some research as to how I am going to go about designing this structure in the real world. However what I did realize is that my design would be impossible to design in the real world, so I had to come up with a new design.
On the second sheet I placed images of my final design all over the outside from different view points. I also included images of the material I would like to use, a detail floor plan and my final design in context. This particular house will be situated in Paris.

Project 3
On the first sheet I included starting points for my Olympic game. I used images that I have taken from the trip to Westfield. Below this I have an image of the game that I would like to develop and next to this I have a drawing of how I would like to develop the game.
On the right hand side I have a selection of design ideas as to how I would like my game to be viewed.  however my final design is not made clear at this point.
On the second sheet I have images of my final design designed on Google SketchUp. Beside I have a detail plan as to how I am going to make this structure. Below this I have the materials that I am going to use. I also have a plan of the interior and an explanation about this. Next to this I have taken a picture of the exact location of where I would like this to be.

Project 4
On the first sheet I included research about Modernism and architects that intrigued me. On the right hand side I have a series of design ideas and below this I have clearly enlarged the design idea that I would like to develop.
On the second sheet it shows a little extra research into the way that I am going to design my house and an example of an architect is given that is similar to what I am doing. I have a clear section on the exact materials that I would like to used. On the right hand side I have handmade models of my final design.

Project 5

On the first sheet I have the name of my client followed by her requirements. I have research into the specific requirements of my client. I also have large drawings of design ideas that were discussed with my client.
Around this page I have several images of my final design in different view points. I also have a design of the Brooklyn Apartment using Google SketchUp. I have also included a detailed plan and images of the materials I intend on using.

Project 6
On the left hand side I have images of Research that I have mainly looked at. On the right hand side I have large drawings of a series of design ideas. I have enlarged the design that I would like to focus on and develop.
On the second sheet I have a little more research on the purpose of creating this mobile home. I have images of the final design I made and a detailed floor plan. I also have images of the materials that I would like to used in order to construct this house in the real world.


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