Monday 10 March 2014

FMP - Research

Final Major Project - Research

It's one of the most under researched diseases prevalent in the UK and it is spreading throughout the country. Sickle cell anaemia is an inherited, lifelong disease. People who have the disease are born with it. They inherit two genes for sickle haemoglobin; one from each parent. Sickle cell anaemia is the most common form of sickle cell disease. Sickle Cell Disease is a serious disorder in which the body makes sickle-shaped red blood cells. “Sickle-shaped” means that the red blood cells are shaped like a crescent.

I have been researching sickle cell anaemia and mainly been focusing on visuals that represent this. I typed in sickle cell on Google and image like this came up. the image below shows what a sickle cell looks like compared to what a normal red blood cell looks like. as you can see from, the image below sickle cells look like a crescent moon. I would like to look at ways in which  can develop this cell into a series of design ideas that represent sickle cell disease.
however what I did realise is that a lot of people may bot understand why and what this is without an explanation. so I intend to look at ways in which I can explain what sickle cell is as well as portray it.
this shape alone can be multiplied and developed into a series of designs. throughout my sketchbook I have looked at ways in which I can use portraits as well to represent sickle cello anaemia. self portraits was an idea I thought I would be able to develop however it may be hard to create a structure out of it. instead I looked at ways in which I can use it as a floor pattern piece or a wall pattern piece.
I wanted to carry out a survey on Sickle Cell Anaemia and I was able to do so. The facts and figures were very interesting. More people were un aware as to what sickle cell actually was and the people that did know only knew because a member of their family has it.



I have also been looking at existing organisation that support sickle cell anaemia. looking at existing logo designs to help support my design ideas. I would like to design something that can also be converted into a logo design so looking at different organisations are really beneficial.
I want to also look at ways in which people have tried to promote sickle cell not only through images but through media too. like any videos or advertisements.
looking at these have not helped me come up with design s but also helps to see the what is out there already!
I want my design to be original and unique and of course better than what anybody else has attempted to do.

Red blood cells contain an iron-rich protein called hemoglobin. This protein carries oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. Sickle cells contain abnormal hemoglobin called sickle hemoglobin or hemoglobin S. Sickle hemoglobin causes the cells to develop a sickle, or crescent, shape.
throughout my sketchbook I looked at ways I which I can develop this design. As soon as I looked at it, I felt that it already looked like a structure. Throughout my sketchbook I would like to practise way in which I could design a structure.
I really like the colours used, it makes it much more attractive to the eye. I intend to use colour in my design to make it stand out more. I looked at a building in Australia called Melbourne's Pixel building.
This crazy building is a real live structure and it's also Australia's very first carbon neutral building. Recently completed, the Pixel Building is an office building located on the former CUB Brewery site in Melbourne. Scoring a perfect 105 points on the Australia's Green Star rating system, the office building designed by Studio505 is an amazing example of what is possible in terms of energy efficiency, renewable energy, water collection, waste reduction and green roofs. Capable of collecting all of its own water and generating all of its own energy, the funky, colourful pixelated building is totally self-sustaining.
The Pixel Building’s vibrant facade gives it a unique identity and sets it apart from the neighboring structures, and its super sustainable strategies set it above most buildings in the world.

Tuesday 4 March 2014

Project sheets

Project 1
On the first sheet I presented my initial design ideas. From these designs I was able to choose which one I would like to develop into a real building. I liked number two the most so I duplicated the image and enlarged in to show the readers that I would like to develop this particular design further. I also included another image of the structure from a different angle point.
At the bottom of the page I put some research there. As you can see I looked into the Guggenheim Art Gallery in New York and the Turner Contemporary Gallery in Margate.

On the second sheet I put the materials I am going to use to create the structure, a detailed floor plan of the Art Gallery and a drawing of the Gallery in context.
Project 2
On the first page I put an image of the product I was given. Then around the page I put images of how I developed this product into a structure. I then included some research as to how I am going to go about designing this structure in the real world. However what I did realize is that my design would be impossible to design in the real world, so I had to come up with a new design.
On the second sheet I placed images of my final design all over the outside from different view points. I also included images of the material I would like to use, a detail floor plan and my final design in context. This particular house will be situated in Paris.

Project 3
On the first sheet I included starting points for my Olympic game. I used images that I have taken from the trip to Westfield. Below this I have an image of the game that I would like to develop and next to this I have a drawing of how I would like to develop the game.
On the right hand side I have a selection of design ideas as to how I would like my game to be viewed.  however my final design is not made clear at this point.
On the second sheet I have images of my final design designed on Google SketchUp. Beside I have a detail plan as to how I am going to make this structure. Below this I have the materials that I am going to use. I also have a plan of the interior and an explanation about this. Next to this I have taken a picture of the exact location of where I would like this to be.

Project 4
On the first sheet I included research about Modernism and architects that intrigued me. On the right hand side I have a series of design ideas and below this I have clearly enlarged the design idea that I would like to develop.
On the second sheet it shows a little extra research into the way that I am going to design my house and an example of an architect is given that is similar to what I am doing. I have a clear section on the exact materials that I would like to used. On the right hand side I have handmade models of my final design.

Project 5

On the first sheet I have the name of my client followed by her requirements. I have research into the specific requirements of my client. I also have large drawings of design ideas that were discussed with my client.
Around this page I have several images of my final design in different view points. I also have a design of the Brooklyn Apartment using Google SketchUp. I have also included a detailed plan and images of the materials I intend on using.

Project 6
On the left hand side I have images of Research that I have mainly looked at. On the right hand side I have large drawings of a series of design ideas. I have enlarged the design that I would like to focus on and develop.
On the second sheet I have a little more research on the purpose of creating this mobile home. I have images of the final design I made and a detailed floor plan. I also have images of the materials that I would like to used in order to construct this house in the real world.